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How to Make Sublimation Gift Tags on Fabric

Feel like taking your gift giving over the top? To make your gifts EXTRA extra, create custom sublimated fabric gift tags.


These are quick to make and easy to make in batches so you can have a stash of sublimation gift tags on hand for any occasion.



First, print out your design with your sublimation printer, like the Sawgrass SG 1000.



These tag designs come from the Farmhouse Christmas 2021 Edition bundle.



Then, do a rough cut around each of the tags.




For your fabric tags, choose a light colored 100% polyester silky satin material.



You'll need two pieces of fabric and 2 pieces of lightweight, fusible stabilizer for each tag.



If desired, replace one of the pieces of stabilizer with a piece of fusible fleece - this will give the tags some cushion.



Lay the fusible stabilizer on your heat press (at 385 degrees F) with the adhesive side facing up.





Then, lay a piece of fabric over it. Cover with parchment and press for 10 seconds. Set aside.




Take your second piece of stabilizer (or fusible fleece if using) and place with the adhesive side facing up. Place the other piece of fabric over the top. Then, place the sublimation transfer face down over the fabric and hold in place with a piece of heat resistant tape.



Cover with parchment and press for 60 seconds.



Take the sublimated fabric (now with stabilizer or fusible fleece attached to it) and from the right side, stitch around the very outside edge around the tag design with your sewing machine.



This provides a line visible from the wrong side to use as a guide when sewing the tag front and tag back together.



Next, take the tag back and place it on top of the sublimated fabric, with right sides together. The silky satin sides should be touching each other.

Hold in place with a couple pins, and mark about a 1 to 1.5-inch gap on the bottom of the tag to leave unstitched.



Stitch around the tag just inside the line of stitching you did previously, but make sure to leave the gap unstitched.



Trim 1/4 inch around the stitching to remove excess fabric.



Use a turning tool to turn the tag right sides out through the gap you left unstitched. Use a pointed tool to turn out the sides and corners.



Next, fold the seam allowances along the gap to the inside of the tag. Hold in place with some clips.



Then, top stitch around the tag to hold the gap closed and add a finished look.



Next, clip a small hole in the top of the tag.



Place the front of a grommet into the hole of the tag from the front and secure the back of a grommet to it from the back side of the tag.

Use a hammer and grommet setting hardware (usually included with the grommets) to seal the grommet closed.



Then, just add some ribbon to make it into a tag.



The sheen of the silky satin fabric is still visible after sublimation and looks beautiful!



You can use a permanent pen to fill in the tag or before you print the design, add the name into the design with your design software to have the name printed right on the tag.



Find the tag designs used in this project in the Farmhouse Christmas 2021 Edition bundle.


And check out the video tutorial below:


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How to Make Sublimation Gift Tags on Fabric

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